Thanking God for 2020
Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! In his great mercy he has given us new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, and into an inheritance that can never perish, spoil or fade.1 Peter 1: 3-4 (NIV)...
Covid-19 Update. September 2020
The Besom in York is still open. We are able to help people give money to those in need. (This can be specifically to help those struggling as result of the pandemic) We are able to help people give their baby items. (Please contact
Putting Faith Into Action
[written 15th June 2020] Partnering with local churches is key to all we do at the Besom in York. We seek to help Christians across the city give to those in need, sharing God’s love in practical ways. So we love it when churches really ‘get’ that vision and become...
Important Covid-19 Update
[written 31st March 2020] Thank you for your patience in this unprecedented time. Even during such uncertain circumstances, we remain committed to our vision and purpose: helping the church in York to pray for, care for, support and give to those in need in our...
New Decade, Same Vision
[Written 9th March 2020] The start of 2020 has flown by! We thought we would share some recent “sweepings” of news from The Besom in York. And while we are approaching our 13th birthday, our vision of enabling the church to give remains unchanged. First off, in...
Gospel-shaped Giving
We love sharing stories about the different ways churches in York are giving through the Besom. Whether that’s delivering white goods on a van run, decorating a recipient’s house or organising the annual Christmas hamper distribution, it’s great to celebrate the...
Hamper Season Is Upon Us
It's always our busiest and most exciting time of year! We are preparing, once again, to help people give Christmas hampers to families and individuals in need across the city. There are lots of different ways to get involved with hampers during the run up to...
12 things that made our summer
Summer has flown by and September is well under way! Here are 12 things that have happened at The Besom in York since we last posted... 1. We've had lots of office time givers in! It's been brilliant. Uni students on summer holidays, retired folk, and just generally...
SHACKworks get stuck in
It has been fantastic to have students from Ampleforth College getting stuck into projects with the Besom in recent years - and we were delighted to welcome another of their SHACworks teams to York at the end of June. The team of 14 students rolled up their sleeves to...
What can I give? #5
Our fifth and final post in our series - What can I give? "In everything I did, I showed you that by this kind of hard work we must help the weak, remembering the words the Lord Jesus himself said: ‘It is more blessed to give than to receive'." (Acts 20:35) We like a...
What can I give? #4
The fourth in our series - What can I give? "Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer. Share with the Lord’s people who are in need. Practice hospitality." (Romans 12:12) One of the most popular ways we enable people to give is by helping...
What can I give? #3
Giving money to help those in need