[written 15th June 2020]
Partnering with local churches is key to all we do at the Besom in York. We seek to help Christians across the city give to those in need, sharing God’s love in practical ways. So we love it when churches really ‘get’ that vision and become involved on a regular basis. Over the years, York Vineyard’s ReVive team has done just that. You may have read posts like this one about them on this very blog. And now in our latest post, seven members of that ReVive team share their own Besom reflections.
How long have you been giving your time through ReVive?
About a year and a half, I think!
What’s been your most memorable project and why?
A tough question! In terms of actually seeing the impact and the relationship and change built, one of the more recent ones we did involved clearing a lot (and I mean a lot) of rubble from a family’s garden, so their children could play outside again. The family were all lovely but in particular, one little girl, who spent the whole time insisting she would help us. It was a long one, but she soldiered through, one rock at a time. This one stays with me especially because it was just before the Covid-19 outbreak, so I’m really glad that the family will have been able to actually play safely in their garden throughout lockdown.
How has giving your time in this way helped you in your faith?
In so many ways! I think anything, where we put our faith into action, grows us. Especially when it involved a sacrifice – such as your Saturday afternoon. God always honours that. I’ve learnt more about loving practically, and what it means to serve people, even when that looks like cleaning up some particularly gross things! I’ve also always been encouraged by the relationships built with the other people on the ReVive team, they’re the very best bunch of people.
Would you encourage others to do the same and if yes, why?
100%. Definitely. Honestly, it took me a while to get round to joining in. Put it in your calendar and commit. Even if that’s only once to start with. Once is enough – it’s a team you’ll want to serve with, and something that you will love doing so much that you will want to do it again.
How long have you been giving your time through ReVive?
Four years.
What’s been your most memorable project and why?
Andrew’s* garden! He joined in most of the time and that gave us a chance to get to know him a bit better.
How has giving your time in this way helped you in your faith?
It gives an opportunity to work out our faith.
Would you encourage others to do the same and if yes, why?
Yes! It is always good to help less fortunate people and help to provide a better environment for them. It also provides an opportunity for outreach with the possibility of introducing them to the Lord.
How long have you been giving your time through ReVive?
I have been a member of ReVive since it started at York Vineyard. and I manage to get to about 60% of the sessions.
What’s been your most memorable project and why?
I don’t think I have a memorable project other than trimming a bees nest! But I do remember those sessions where we have completely finished a task rather than leaving it as work in progress.
How has giving your time in this way helped you in your faith?
One thing we are encouraged to do in church is to serve. I do a couple of things serving in church but being a member of the ReVive team involves serving outside of church and helping those less fortunate than ourselves. My faith is strengthened by seeing how others struggle to live life. I include those less fortunate than us in my prayers and give thanks to the Lord for the relative good life I enjoy.
Would you encourage others to do the same and if yes, why?
Definitely, yes! You get to know people in church and it’s usually fun with plenty of banter. On the other hand you can feel exhausted at the end of a session, but have the satisfaction that you have helped others less fortunate than yourself.
How long have you been giving your time through ReVive?
Peter and I have been involved with ReVive for about three years and have worked with other people from our church.
How has giving your time in this way helped you in your faith?
We feel part of God’s family and enjoyed giving our time to people who need a helping hand. Seeing the joy on people’s faces when their garden is cleared and becomes more manageable, makes us feel blessed that we have the God-given skills to be his hands and feet and to spread the Good News.
Would you encourage others to do the same and if yes, why?
We hope that other people will join the team and enjoy time with our church family to bring hope and help to those who need Jesus in their lives. We have had good fun and it has brought us closer with other people in the church
What’s been your most memorable project and why?
For myself I would say that the relationship that has stood out the most is the one with Mary*. What began as a challenge to come alongside someone who was very difficult and quite aggressive at the time has turned into a lovely and loving friendship. She loves the Lord and she is a blessing as a friend and to the wider church community. God has turned her life around, given her a family and friends and restored and healed some of her most important relationships.
How has giving your time in this way helped you in your faith?
What it has done at times, over the years, is show me my own prejudices and judgements about others which I wasn’t aware of and which I have been able to take to God. Giving in this way has helped me to grow more into the likeness of Jesus and for that I am very thankful. It has also clearly shown me that the circumstances of my life are the result of God’s grace and not my own doing. Giving in this way has reminded me that we are all made in God’s image, regardless of our circumstances and no matter where we find ourselves.
Would you encourage others to do the same and if yes, why?
I would recommend it as a way to put your faith into action and come alongside others as the heart, hands and feet of Jesus. It’s a great way to learn more about yourself and the state of your own heart. It is also great fun working together as a team and getting to know others from in your own church that you wouldn’t otherwise.
What has been your most memorable project and why?
I first met Dave* about two years ago. He lived alone and needed the whole of his garden organised for him. Weeds, bushes, nettles, mounds of earth and other indescribable items awaited me and the rest of the team. It soon became apparent that this was not an ordinary job. Dave was there to supervise, direct and make sure it was done according to his exacting standards.
But what a response it had! Dave had a new garden. Very manageable and a grin from ear to ear. Subsequently, I have agreed to a trip to the seaside with him. Dave still has some issues but the way he has responded is brilliant. I feel we have made a quite lonely, apprehensive, anxious man very happy and he appears to have a more positive attitude to life, which is surprising given the current climate.
Dave still has many problems but imagine how you feel having such success. The word impossible is not one to bandy around when coming in contact with people who have such major needs. Let’s face it if I hadn’t been to his house those Saturday afternoons I wouldn’t have had the privilege of getting alongside one of society’s many marginalised people and I can always do my own garden on other days. The Besom has been great for us – as a group from our church it has brought us all together and we are never short of laughs! – and I look forward to many more projects.
What has been your most memorable project and why?
My obvious one is our first time meeting Mary*, doing her garden, and how wonderful that she came to faith in Jesus and has continued on her journey. We cycled past her house a couple of weeks ago and she was out in her garden so we chatted for a while. It was so encouraging to see her and hear how she is continuing to stay connected via Zoom meetings.
Another happy memory is clearing the very over-run garden for York’s first Syrian refugees, a lovely Muslim family. It was so good to know that we were helping them to feel welcome here, but also that they would be using the garden to grow food to provide for the family. It has also been great to hear of the continued support the family has had from the church with English lessons and to see them at the Christmas services.
There have been some jobs that were very difficult, often smelly and hard work. But the joy that comes from pulling together as a team and extending God’s love into the community makes it worthwhile.
* names changed for confidentiality